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Year Recap...

This year went by in a flash, yet it feels as though last January was miles ago. This year may have been full of chapters that didn’t leave the readers on the edge of their seats, but it was full of sunsets, baby toes, weddings, decisions, and growth. So, overall I’d say this has been a heck of a year. As the new year approaches, it is time to recap the days that painted the year that we are now close to being able to hang on the wall among the years that have come before. Although, before stepping back, it is exciting to look at the new path before us and all the possibilities that it brings. As most do when a year wraps up, there are deadlines for better health, diets, and new workout habits. Or promises of more time spent outside, with friends, writing our days down, and closing the nights with the colors of the sky. But, most of the goals that we claim we are willing to inflict in the days ahead evaporate before we can change the page on our calendars that hang among the clutter of our cabinets and desks. So, with that in mind, instead of goals, I like to choose small things that are more milestones in the years to come. Things that are realistic and easy to maintain. Last year I made a goal of writing a book. Now, as most writers know, a book doesn’t often emerge in a single year. And although no book has been written I have pondered on topics and storylines. So, with this new year, that goal will come with me. And I am not going to beat myself up for not achieving what I set out to do, I will now go into the next year with a clearer mindset to ease myself into the tasks that I have set to hopefully achieve in the days and months to come. But, enough of that, what happened this year?


Ok, starting the year off. My nephew was born at the end of December. So, like a sunrise starts a new day, January was spent spending time with him and watching my sister and brother-in-law begin their parenting journey. And intertwined in those days were the mundane of work and real life, but also days spent at the beach and nights spent watching the glow of the sun melt into the sky and blend onto the clouds. Then a couple of months in, two of my close friends entered their wedding month. So, many days were laced with celebrations preparing them for this next season of life. Other friends flew in and the festivities then opened the gate to their big day. But, that wasn’t the only big celebration. The Allie-Way celebrated its first anniversary and I am still so beyond blessed by all of the support and community that this blog has provided! A big milestone that was an accomplishment for myself of pushing through those days where I felt no motivation to write or nervous to expose my emotions. Overall, with the occasional spontaneous surf sessions, a friend encouraging me to rekindle my running journey, and experiencing other milestones, the first three months set a solid foundation for the year. 


The next few months were the slowest of the year. They were the opening act to more exciting days down the line. Naturally, the beach played a role in the main cast. But, most of my time was spent with my sister and nephew and seeing him continue to hit milestones, watching my brother and brother-in-law surf, playing pickleball for the first time with friends, and finding other creative ways to write, also taking the occasional Ballet class. The biggest event of these few months and one of my favorite summer activities is our church's kids camp. My sister is the children's director at our church and I am her unofficial intern. She plans and puts on a camp for all the kids and it is such a fun time playing with the kids, learning about the Lord, and worshiping God with them. Once we returned home the next few months came at us in a flash.


Here is where the year begins to take shape. It started with surfing with friends then transitioned to a spontaneous trip to Colorado where our whole family met up. Earlier in the year we lost both of my grandparents. So a date was pitched and God worked it out that not only was my whole immediate family able to reunite, but my whole extended family on mom's side was as well. A family reunion that hadn’t taken place in years met us head on and we were able to honor my grandparents while catching up with family I hadn’t seen in years. Besides, the year doesn’t feel complete without at least one trip to Colorado. A few weeks back at home on Kauai then I was off on a plane again this time with friends. We flew over to Oregon for one of my childhood friends' weddings. I met up and saw more childhood friends, explored, hiked, and chased waterfalls. Then as the trip continued, wedding preparation flooded the days. I had the honor of being a part of the big day and we all danced our hearts out alongside the newly married happy couple. I highly encourage trips with friends, they are always a good time. Then back home, our church had a family camp where all the families spent a few days up in Koke’e (Kauai’s mountain range) at a campsite spending time together, reading the Bible, and worshiping together. That then led me to the last trip of the year. My two close friends and I spent the day island hopping over to Oahu where we shopped, walked, and ate. All the best signs to a successful trip. Then the last few months of the year approached. 


October was a rollercoaster of a month. I celebrated my birthday with a handful of my favorite people, and then two of them left to embark on their new adventure to the mainland. An emotional goodbye full of sadness, but excitement for them. With that month oddly and unexpectedly came a wave of many days scattered with anxiety attacks. It is important to not only look back on the days that are full of sun and laughter, but also days that were hard and days that left us crying in the shower. Or stopping our workout halfway through to breathe while our emotions elevate and leave us trying to ground ourselves. Those are just as much a part of our years as the smiles. Those are days and things that we have overcome and are experiences that we have worked through. It might not feel like we are completely out of the woods, but even slowing our breathing or finding our footing after the world was coated in tears is a mountain that we overcame is worthy of noting. I also want to highlight that we tend to showcase our highs and sweep our lows under the rug, but we all have them. And this year was one of the biggest years of personal growth for me. I have worked through a lot of things and by the grace of God and regular therapy as well as taking ownership and putting in the hours to change, I can see progress. October wasn’t a relapse or setback, but an exercise to remind myself of how strong I have become in being able to pick myself back up and carry on. And to reach out and remember that I don’t need to face things alone. Along with growing, these were the months when I witnessed my nephew go from a baby to a toddler. He walked, we saw teeth and saw a personality explode. We celebrated his first birthday and then transitioned into celebrating Christmas. Now we are on the cusp of the last days of 2023.

What A Year

This year's theme was friends and family. I was so blessed to have been able to meet up with and celebrate so many childhood friends. It was also the year of weddings, and although I wasn’t able to make it to all of them, it is so exciting watching the people who mean a lot to you reach milestones. On top of that, being able to share so many moments with my family. Soaking up the salt water with my siblings, sharing stories, and writing more. Also being able to reunite the core four with our trip to Colorado by being able to see my brother and his wife, putting all the siblings in one place. This new year isn’t a re-do, re-set, or a new show. It is a new episode. Without 2023 the story of 2024 would make no sense and that is exciting because we are blessed with a chance at experiencing the months anew. I am looking forward to this next year to work on my ambitions, allow myself room for grace, remember the small victories, and remember that God has a plan and we aren’t left to navigate each day alone. Whether those days are filled with trials, pain, and tears, or filled with joy, victories, and celebrations. We have a purpose in this new year. 

It has been a year. And I love being able to look back and reminisce. Thank you for walking through the past 12 months with me. I hope that you had an amazing 2023 and that you are looking forward to 2024. I am excited to journey through this new year and all that it holds together. Enjoy this weekend watching the ball drop or partying with friends and family. I hope you all had an amazing Christmas. Don’t forget to follow on Instagram, share The Allie-Way with a friend, subscribe to get a personal email as soon as a new post is posted, and let me know what you are looking forward to as January takes the stage. 

  • Dru Allie

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Jan 05

Loved it! Gave me a new perspective on things and a better way to look at my successes. Thanks :)

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