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Let's See How It Goes...

So, for those of you who don’t mindlessly scroll on your phone for an extended period or who simply have not seen this, there is a thing going around where people are posting their “ins and outs” for this year. Such as what we want to implement more of and what we want to reduce in the upcoming year. And, as I have mentioned previously, I don’t write goals. I like to write ambitions or achievements that I can strive towards. They are little self-improvements that will hopefully roll into my normal lifestyle. So, I thought it would be fun to accomplish both by sharing my plans for this year and jumping on the train by going through and explaining the “ins and outs” that I am working towards. Taking each day as it comes and not bashing myself or giving up if I fall back into my past routine or habits. It takes longer to make a habit than it does to break one. Once we acquire our goals as daily or weekly habits, we will still need to consciously push ourselves from time to time to not fall back into our old updates. 

Four years ago, my sister and I decided to begin our workout journey. Now, for me, there have been many reasons to continue this, although it started as a challenge that I wanted to push myself through. It helped that I had an accountability person who was also working to integrate this as not just a six-week challenge, but a new addition to our daily routine. Some days we don’t have time or lack the motivation, but we have learned not only discipline but also how to show ourselves grace when those situations take place. With anything, it can’t just be a quick change of our mind choosing to flip our life around. We will eventually become burnt out and lose interest. We have to have discipline to keep us working our new ambitions into our already curated life instead of changing our lives to fit around these new resolutions. Also having accountability helps to keep us on track.


  1. Continue my goal of one day writing a book. 

This was one of mine last year as well and if you read my previous post, we learned that last year was used as my pondering stage. I have now a few ideas, I simply need to put aside procrastination and set times to get to work. But, writing is a journey. 

2. More positive talk about myself and positive thoughts. 

I want to be a natural optimist. So, when I have a negative thought or talk negatively about myself, I want to recognize it and reroute. Even if I end up sounding like the maps app when we constantly pass where it wants us to go and repetitively say “rerouting” over and over until it becomes mindless to do so. 

3. Not caring what others think. 

I spend far too much time and energy caring what the world thinks about me, instead of being who I want to be and solely caring of what the Lord thinks. 

4. “Be a goldfish” 

If you have watched Ted Lasso then maybe you have heard the quote “Be a goldfish” (because they have an extremely short memory). Well, this year I want to allow things to roll off my back. I have a hyperactive brain and so much of what I dwell on is unnecessary, so I am striving to be better at letting go.

5. Getting back into my creative outlets. 

I go through phases of being inspired and then having no desire at all. But, I want to dive back in and re-light being creative. 

6. Getting out of the house at least once a day. 

Now there are exceptions, however, last year there would be days at a time when I wouldn’t leave my house and become so comfortable not seeing anyone that it would be a struggle to even go on a walk. But, I want to break that habit. I want to go see the sunset or do a quick dip in the ocean; anything to have new scenery at least once a day. 

7. Going to bed early. 

I was very good at going to bed at a reasonable hour. But, I fell back into my ways of late nights and early mornings creating many afternoons spent curled up on my couch taking far longer naps than intended. Getting enough sleep is so important for our bodies and if I am so focused on making sure that I am eating nutritiously and exercising, I should focus on allowing time for enough sleep. My book will be there tomorrow. 

8. Being more eco-conscious.

Again something I used to be a lot better about. But, I want to strive to get back in the habit of taking care of the world God created for us. I want to be better with the choices that I make. 


  1. Second guessing myself.

Like a lot of others, I have always been one to know the answer, but repetitively go with my second choice although my first choice was almost always the correct one. This goes a little hand in hand with caring less and also trusting my instincts.

2. Mindlessly scrolling.

Man, I do this one far too often. Sometimes I will find myself scrolling without even realizing I opened my phone. So, finding peace in doing nothing and sticking with the time limits I set for my apps, which are far too easy to ignore. 

3. Trying to control situations that are not for me to control. 

This was one that I was working on last year as well that has bled its way over because I am still working on it. Some situations are out of our hands or not for us to control.

4. Being worried that I fit in or am like everyone else. 

Like not caring what others think, it is easy to fall into the pattern of trying to be like others. But there's something so amazing about those who can be 100% themselves without apology. They are so easy to be around. And God made us all unique so trying to fit into other people's shoes won't work. 

5. Being lazy.

Yes, we are all lazy at times and there isn’t anything wrong with taking time for ourselves and doing nothing. I recommend it. But, I have a tendency when things become hard or overwhelming to either find an alternate solution or to find someone who can do it for me. Which is a skill in itself, but not one that I want to refine.

6. Talking about my insecurities.

A common one that a lot of us do. When we don’t want someone to notice or say something, we bring it up first thinking drawing attention to whatever it is will disarm others' comments and make it less of an ordeal. Whereas if we didn’t say anything the chances of them noticing were slim to none. Honeyyyy, act confident and no one will question youuuu. Ok, I have stepped off my soap box. 

It’s Not A Phase, But A Lifestyle

These are all things that I want to consciously think about as I move forward in this year. There will be days when I fall back into old patterns or forget that I am pushing myself in one of these ways. But first, I have this to look back on and remind myself. And second, if I backtrack or forget, it’s not the end of the world. It is not a setback, but a day to remind myself to get back to it tomorrow. These are only a handful of things that I am working on. Some are new and some are things that I have continued to work on for years. We are never stagnant. We should always be looking for ways to be the best we can be. And I am excited to push myself this year.

I hope you are excited to push yourself too. There is no question that the past few years have been hard or a struggle. But, with perspective, enough effort, and trust that God has his hand on us, we can switch gray days into color. I encourage you to write your ambitions or “ins and outs” of this year down so you can look back over them. I hope you all had an amazing New Year and first week of 2024. I would love to know any of your ambitions and we can keep each other accountable. Also, don’t forget to follow along on Instagram, subscribe so you don’t miss any posts, share this with someone, and let me know if you like reading posts like this. Thanks for reading Allie-Cats.

  • Dru Allie

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Jan 18

First of all- the pictures so matched the sections!! Great job!! Second- most of your ins and outs fit for me too. I talk with Jesus about my ins and outs everyday. Guess I should write them down so they’re fresh before me all day. As usual- love your post. Thank you for sharing it❤️

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