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The Little Things...

As time leads us along and days jog ahead of us, I think we are due for another lighthearted post. It is so easy to take on life with a look of a serious gaze and an anxious mind, but it is also important to see the joy and take possession of moments, thoughts, anticipations, and experiences that might seem less important. Like a coin, sometimes it will land on the heavier side of life, and other times it will land on the side of fairytales, where we observe life without taking it too seriously. It is our prerogative to look at that side of the coin from time to time. To inspire others to look at the little things in their life, I will dive into random moments or things that have stood out to me recently. As life becomes busy it is easy to overlook thoughts, quotes, sites, memories, recipes, and many of the other Lego pieces that stack up to create our lives. 

The List

1. My nephew is 14 months old, and one of my favorite things he does when I hold him is he pushes my face to the side, scopes out which earrings I am wearing then turns my head to check the other side and just gently plays with them. He always notices when I switch them out.

2. I got myself and my cat, Gus, a backpack carrier so when we go places he can see the world instead of being corralled into a kennel. And although it might take him a minute to warm up to it, it is very fun. 

3. Confession, in my New Year goals that I listed out in my post, “Let’s See How It Goes…” I said I wanted to lessen my mindless scrolling on my social media, and I have been pretty good on all my other goals, however, that one… that one I think I have gotten worse at…

4. As I write this, I am currently watching the movie Just My Luck and it’s well… interesting, but also, there is something very nostalgic about old Lindsay Lohan movies. Herbie Fully Loaded, I mean come on. 

5. Next month, The Allie-Way will be two years old! Which is crazy!! Writing each post has helped me grow so much!

6. I struggle with feeling confident when my skin isn’t at its best and over the last few months it has been struggling. But, after doing all that I can to try and help it, it has been a way for me to be able to see myself beyond what I wish wasn’t there, and find comfort in knowing we are not defined by our insecurities and they have no power in telling us what to do and how to feel. It’s been very helpful to not sink into it, but to embrace it and walk boldly with it. 

7. Two of my favorite things in a day are the smoothie bowl that I make almost every morning and my nap. Both things make me much more enjoyable to be around.

8. Have you ever started listening to a book and ended up wanting to listen to a different one so you changed it to 1.7x speed so that it goes from being 13 hours to 9.5 making your brain work on its speed listening and creating a challenge for yourself to understand all that it is now being thrown at you? I am currently doing that with a book and I know I can’t be the only one. It’s the only style of rap I’ll listen to.

9. I have been craving banana muffins and think I might make these. Banana Oatmeal Muffins

10. I’ve been trying to run more and have figured out the key for me to be able to run further is not listening to any music. I think hearing myself control my breathing helps to set a better rhythm than trying to stick with the beat of a song.

11. The book that I am reading is so hard to read. I should just find anoter book that is better, and yet, I have a really hard time putting it down. 

12. So, I have really fine, thin hair. I always kind of have. It goes through phases, but its default is thin. I started taking JS Health hair supplements and now I do a little awkward dance every time I see a halo of baby hairs. It has helped my hair so much. 

13. For some reason, Thursdays always feel like Fridays and it becomes confusing, but also that means I get to celebrate making it to Friday twice... 

14. We’ve been having a cold front here. Last week I thought I was going to turn into a popsicle and was so excited to get to use my car’s seat warmers. It is the little things.

15. As I have been writing this my thoughts have been on bagels. I would love a bagel right now. Gosh, I would fly back to New York right now for a bagel if I could. Do I have any volunteers or sponsors to help me buy a flight? Going once… no? Fair enough, no one can afford to fly anywhere with the way ticket prices have been looking. But, a Costco bagel will do.

Thing To Think About

Sometimes we become so focused on the big picture of life and purpose that we don’t observe the random and “unimportant” details that make up our days that are the building blocks to complete the picture. Is watching a random movie a brick in my path? Probably not, but it could be part of the mortar. The number of times my useless knowledge of movies and celebrities has helped me compile a conversation with a stranger or helped me ease the awkwardness with a quote or a joke, shows that nothing we do goes to waste. Besides, observing how others live and think is fascinating. It can be fun to step through a window into others' lives and experience other people's thoughts and day-to-day life. We all live such individual lives that fit like puzzle pieces connecting us. 

It is always fun to write posts like these and to remember that life doesn’t always need to be taken so seriously. Oftentimes the little things we do are the moments we laugh and smile the most. If you made it this far thanks for sticking with it, you’re the real ones! Hope you all had a great week! Going into the weekend, don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already, follow on Instagram, share The Allie-Way with someone, and let me know your thoughts on the post. Thanks for reading Allie-Cats. 

  • Dru Allie

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25 feb

This post brings me joy! Inspiring to see you celebrate TWO YEARS of The Allie-Way

Mi piace
The Allie-Way
The Allie-Way
25 feb
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Yay!! I’m so glad!! I know, thanks you!! It’s crazy! 😁

Mi piace
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