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A New Medium...

So since I wrote my post on hobbies, I decided to put my words into action and pick up my paintbrush again. I always forget how much I love it when I take a break. It’s just such a calming and challenging experience to fill my time that I would otherwise probably be doing something much less productive. Currently, I am re-watching my second favorite show, Hawaii 5-0. I have also recently purchased a very comfortable couch, which welcomes my TV watching habits and love of naps beautifully, but that’s off-topic. I have spent a good amount of time on Pinterest recently looking for inspiration on what to paint and found several people trying several new mediums I found unique. There are a lot of different styles that people can categorize themselves under such as realistic, more modern, the Picasso abstract style, the line art/very simple style, I think you're getting my point. There are many ways one can design new perspectives of the world.

My new medium

Ok, well a few weeks ago I decided to draw a random outline (I like simple line drawings, just for reference) and decided why do my normal style? So I dug around my random art supplies and found some charcoal pencils and decided to take on the challenge of blending shadows that I used to dread. The piece took a little while and lots of erasing and trying again, however, I am actually pretty proud of how it came out. Obviously, there is always room for improvement, but it was fun to step out and try something new. Speaking of trying something new, I found this style that people were using to create these fun textured art pieces using spackling paste. Now, if you don’t know what that is you must not have grown up filling the holes in your bedroom wall that you created by shoving thumb tacks to hold up your posters or pictures. It’s this paste that is kind of thick and dries to have a chalky feel that gives your artwork a cool 3D effect. I got my hands on a container and ordered some paint mixing spatulas off of Amazon (just trying to do my part and keep those well-known and popular websites in business, your welcome!) and got to work testing them out. The first project turned out a lot better than I was expecting and it sparked an excitement to level up. So for the next project, I decided to step out of my comfort zone even more and began mapping out a new challenge on a canvas. I found my inspo picture on Pinterest and put my show on and began my journey. Now, something you need to know about me, I avoid drawing/painting faces. I think that there are way too many shading and color changes that are a challenge for me, but why let that stop me now when I am on a roll of the new and unexpected. Oh, and let’s also note that I am a watercolor girl! I love watercolor and have tried oil and acrylic before, but butted heads with them. The only problem is that watercolor and canvas don't mix well. So with the few bottles of acrylic paint a friend had left me, a few bottles of the primary colors, and a few black and whites plus I found a random sand color in a cabinet, I began doing my interpretation of this project. I like to call it either stuck in the clouds or a girl underwater. I’ll let you choose which one you like better.

Pushing Myself

I am, like I said earlier, a watercolor girl. I thought I wanted to make cards, which I did for a little while. However, I wanted to push myself. I have so many small pictures, which I love, but am no longer sure what to do with all of them, so I began to paint full pages of watercolor paper. I then learned a trick of using acrylics like watercolors by mixing them with water and it gives off a similar effect. I also used to paint with people from time to time, which makes it more fun to have small and simple projects to work on. When painting with others, you are able to finish at similar times and it doesn’t end up feeling like you’re playing Monopoly while they are over there replaying Life over and over again. I enjoy messing around with art for the fun of it and am often surprised by some of the pieces I do. It's invigorating to learn and apply new tips and tricks. I have found a great amount of joy from stepping out and trying new things and inspirations. It’s fun to see progress from painting when I was little to some of the pieces I have created now being more patient and more knowledgeable of how to manipulate colors and textures and how to use the brushes. It has also been fun learning to love and appreciate something that I created! Sometimes my work is a complete flop and that’s ok, because I am practicing for my next one and am learning what works and maybe some tricks I shouldn’t try again. It’s a good practice that I should keep in mind during the other hobbies that I am working on… *cough cough* my surfing abilities. I’ll fall on my face then know I should try a new technique, which also truly improves your confidence and willpower.

Can’t compare

A nice thing about art is that there is no reason to compare yourself to someone else. Art has so many avenues and hidden tunnels and personalized sidewalks that are covered by each person's self-expression. Two people could be painting the same object and the results could look completely different. When I look at my subject, I zoom into the picture and find one spot and break it down so all I see are shapes and lines. This tactic for me breaks down the complicated photos of things and makes them look doable. But, another could see it as a whole and just go for it, and man… I truly commend you! I feel like personal style makes an art piece so much more special and intentional. It shows the artist through the medium which causes it to be one of a kind. All in all, it’s such a fun and exciting way to express yourself or allow you to keep your mind working on those slow days. Not going to lie, when I start a project, it consumes my brain and all I want to do is finish it. When it’s done, I am eager to start the next.

If you are on Kauai and want to have a painting party, please let me know! I would love to paint with you! My place is small, but I would be glad to host it if everyone brings their own art supplies. I wanted to share my journey and the excitement of stepping out. It’s been invigorating to try new things and has made me proud of myself. Everyone has a little creativity even if it comes out in more unique forms. Thanks for following along this week! Again feel free to subscribe or leave a comment! I love interacting with you all via the blog, email or my Instagram! Have a great weekend and don’t forget to share The Allie-Way with someone! You Allie-Cats mean a lot to me!

  • Dru Allie

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