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Becoming Shiny...

While we are on a health kick, why don’t we bring vegetables into the mix. I’ve had a debate with my brother-in-law about what would be the better option; eating right with less of a workout lifestyle or trying to work off a more carefree lifestyle? Now, I am no nutritionist, but in my personal opinion, as important as physical activity is to both our physical and mental well being, I think that it’s the way that we eat that can make or break our health. Both are important, but having a shiny inside can help determine how we function during our physical activities.

The Diet of a Child

Carbs. That is all I would eat as a kid. I would consider myself a carbavore or as others may have described me… a very picky eater. At Subway my order was white bread with provolone cheese. Later on, my order developed to Italian herbs and cheese bread, provolone cheese, bell peppers, and black pepper for a kick. At a Mexican restaurant my order was a side of flour tortillas, beans and cheese, with a chip holding onto only the essence of the salsa. Italian: noodles with butter. Youth group: cheese and rice. And the random occasion we ended up at a buffet: mac & cheese, bread, and mashed potatoes (oh I know, finnneee dining!). Bread was the source of all my brain functions. I lived in the beige and I was happy! But, a few years later, I sat watching my vegan sister eat her colorful plates and I would always say to her, “dang your insides must be shiny!”. Unfortunately, however, it took me until the end of my freshman year of college to finally make a change and understand the power that food has on and in our bodies.

A Personal story

I struggled with really bad acne for a long time. And as soon as I decided to make a change in my diet, I noticed the change in my skin. I cut out dairy from my diet and noticed an immediate erasing of bumps on my face. Now, let me explain, dairy is by no means an enemy! But, it goes to show how important the effects of what we put into our bodies can affect the outside and overall well-being of our bodies.

Inside Out

That is only one example, however, there are so many. Food is such a powerful vitamin, just like physical activity is. Fruits and vegetables carry amazing nutrients and supplements that our body needs to function and live a long and healthy life. But, honestly, the foods that come from the ground that God designed are laced with properties to keep our hair shiny and healthy, our muscles and bones strong and stable, our eyes seeing better, our organs functioning properly, and even powerful enough to keep our teeth white. This is not a diet guide and although I have my own theory on what is healthy for my body, it might not be the same for everyone else. I eat primarily a plant based diet. I’ll occasionally eat fish because there are some amazing health properties, and I will also occasionally eat eggs. Meat and dairy… we aren’t on the best terms. When I shop, other than fruits and veggies, I tend to look for sprouted grains and seeds, typically the less ingredients there are the better. Sometimes worrying too much about eating right can backfire leaving us overthinking and occasionally undereating. Another area I try to avoid (but on occasion indulge in) is processed sugars. Processed sugar is as some have called a drug. It’s addictive and there are so many healthier alternatives these days that can be utilized to let our bodies rehabilitate from this beautifully marketed and disguised product. Now, I by no means want to preach, I can only share my passion, experience, and personal knowledge. I am still working on gauging the perfect and ever-evolving way to feed my body in the best way that I can so that I can function in the best way that I can.

The process

Life moves quickly and easy fix foods are created specifically for that. But, is that quick step here going to affect our bodies in the long run? Probably. The way we fuel our bodies will affect our outward appearance as well as how the internal body will run. Cars are an amazing invention and just as we are eager to take the best care of our cars by providing them with good gas and oil while also washing them and caring for the outside, it goes the same for us. If we are cautious about the type of oil that we release into our vehicles, why would we not be conscientious of the types of oils we let into the human body? The food that we put into our body is what moves us forward, gives us energy, supports our brain, and can help our depression and anxiety, as well as many other types of illnesses and emotions. The world is full of amazing and unique ingredients, spices, fruits, vegetables, grains, and many other products that are full of flavor that can leave us excited to eat our next meals and forget about the man-made foods that may satisfy us in the moment, but leave us regretting the decision moments after (some stomach aches don’t come to play). Look at herbal medication. It is not a new thing. Ancient Chinese medicine has been around for centuries and they find all sorts of plants to help us to be our best selves. Random herbs that we can't pronounce are not the only things that can help us put our best foot forward. Our everyday meals and decisions carry just as much power.


Again, I am not a dietitian, but someone who has learned that what we put into our bodies is what we will get out. I have had friends recently call me a picky eater, but the truth is, if it is good for my body, I will eat anything. I love eating and I enjoy cooking for myself meals that I know are making me shiny and are supporting my health. Eating in a conscious and all-natural way doesn't mean that our foods need to taste like a health food store. We are so lucky that health has begun to become more of an exciting thing because now we can find ways of cooking yummy nutrient-dense foods. We also have the option of navigating Google to find options that will fuel us and support our health even while eating out. Prices might be a touch steeper than those quick and easy, do-nothing-for-your-body foods we find. But, eating for our bodies doesn’t mean that we can only shop at Sprouts and other Whole Foods types of stores; we can find so many options at our everyday grocery stores and depending upon the city and season, farmers markets. Even Costco has stepped up their game.

Eat what and the way that you enjoy, I can’t tell you what to do. But keep in mind that the shinier we are on the inside, will affect how we feel on the outside and the inside. I hope you all had an amazing week and were able to eat something yummy. Thank you for following along as always! You all are amazing and I hope this encourages you. Please feel free to subscribe to receive an email letting you know first when my posts are up. Don’t forget to follow @theallie.way on Instagram and please feel free to share with someone. Have a great weekend Allie-Cats!

  • Dru Allie

A few great resources for health tips and recipes are:

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1 Kommentar

02. Juli 2022

This brings back so many memories of youth group! Yes! you ate mostly carbs back then lol

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