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It's Fall Tradition...

It’s fall… My favorite season. Now beyond fall decorating the world, making it beautiful and cozy, and it being the best month to be born (October baby right here), it is such a wonderful time full of creativity that sends us to the grand central station of traditions. I love all seasons (now being from Hawaii the word “seasons” doesn’t mean a whole lot, but we’ll talk more about that in a moment). There is something special about each season as they embrace their identity each year, but there is a certain strength that embodies Autumn that leaves me enchanted. The way the air wraps around each person with a crisp yet inviting tone, the way the leaves take action to compete with one another to see who will grasp the most attention with their colors, and the way the sunset matches the world around bribing one to curl up and enjoy the stillness of life.


Growing up we spent a lot of our time in Colorado in the fall, primarily during my high school years. I danced, so I was able to be romanced by the enamoring Aspen trees and pumpkin stands on every corner as I drove to nutcracker rehearsals. It has always been my favorite season which is always concluded by my favorite holiday…Thanksgiving. I always thought Christmas was my favorite holiday until I noticed I would become giddy making sure everything was perfect for Thanksgiving and that I was better friends with the days and excitement that led up to Christmas than the actual day. Thanksgiving for me is coated in traditions, and if there is one thing to know about me I savor traditions. I would wake up and watch the Macy’s day parade with my mom until my aunt, uncle, and cousins would come and switch it to football. Then my grandparents would arrive. The kitchen belonged to my dad that day except for the pumpkin pie that my mom and I would bake together. My aunt, my mom, and I would set the tables embedded with name cards and napkin rings. And once the food was ready, we would all sit in the formal dining room while the gold from the sun flooded the room making me feel rich. After our classic Thanksgiving, it ordained the house to begin the preparations for Christmas. But, fall in Kauai is by no means a picture-perfect fall. There are no drives through the painted Rocky Mountains, no evenings with the fireplace roaring, nor the necessity for cozy sweaters, patiently waiting boots or cooped-up coats.

Autumn in Hawaii

Two words… It’s Hot. October is when the trade winds that typically blow over the islands stop and leave us in a beautiful cocoon of warmth and humidity. This is a state of pure beauty, it leaks beauty, and it can’t help it. But, it is pretty consistent in terms of its looks. Some trees lose their natural ornaments of flowers and leaves. The ocean becomes excited and the swells take over the north shores. The sun wakes up later and goes to sleep early like the rest of the states. Yet, like our friend Arizona, we maintain a steady clock year around. November is typically when we receive our first welcomed cold front. I use the term “cold front” loosely for all those mainlanders. Our “break out the winter coat'' weather can be close to the 60s on occasion, but typically we will be parading in shorts and a T-shirt year round. Regardless of the lack of contagious fall attitude that typically appears outside, the traditions remain. Fun baking still lives on, the color palette in stores gives into the full auburn effect, shopping carts can still be seen piled with pumpkins, the parade still airs, and Thanksgiving still has its solo. Only we swap our immediate family with friends who have become our family.


Now, I won’t deny that I take “basic” by the hand and walk with it until New Year. I love all things pumpkin: baked goods (pumpkin pie is my favorite, I make one every year! This vegan recipe is my favorite and so easy! Vegan Pumpkin Pie!) and fun fall drinks, like homemade pumpkin chai (I don’t follow a recipe, just kind of wing it. But, I found this one that might be good! Pumpkin Chai), looking for fall art projects, or finding a cozy playlist/show. I will say, I fall off the bandwagon at pumpkin-spiced lattes, however, but that is because I prefer nothing in my lattes. And if I do, it’s cinnamon and a drop or two of honey. Homemade bread was a big thing in my house during the holidays; pumpkin, zucchini, orange cranberry, and occasionally banana, because why not. So, now in my house, once fall comes, pumpkin pancakes and pumpkin spice muffins will be made at least once during the season and a few times at my sisters. I jump from recipe to recipe so I hardly ever make the same thing, but growing up, we would use recipes out of my mom’s old Betty Crocker cookbook. Another basic thing that we would do growing up in Colorado that I loved was my mom would play dress up with our house. Fall and Christmas were the biggest hits. From head to toe, you would know what time of year it was as soon as you pulled up. It caused every moment to capture the essence of the season at hand and bewitch you to join in and embrace each moment. We’ve tried to recreate the same set designs in Kauai, however, a much more simplistic tactic seems to leave a better effect. In college, I would host a pumpkin or two as company to join in on the fall spirit, but now I light my candles and turn on my lamps to bring in a cozy mood during Autumn.

Exploring Others Traditions

Of course, every family is different and traditions of their own are inevitable. It is fascinating to be introduced to others and expose those traditions that feel so normal to you. Fall isn’t a season for everyone and others drink their pumpkin-spiced lattes in a vat, but I think most of us can agree on the charm that the change in colors and temperatures can bring. Even if it is watching the numbers cascade down the thermostat for those living in states or countries that are touched by the blessing of Autumn. No matter where we live, there is something so special and exciting that that crisp air can bring. The foods that are influenced by those in-season veggies. Root veggies, squashes, seeds, and nuts that are joined by apples and cranberries can change a normal year-round plate to comfort food in moments. With those warm flavors and eye-catching colors. Butternut, buttercup, acorn, spaghetti, and Kabocha squashes bring that creamy and homey feel to any table. Beets, brussels sprouts, carrots, and beans will elevate the meal to compete with the color pallet the leaves naturally share. And while everyone has their favorite reasons for loving this season and next, food will always hold the reins, leading the parade.

Seasons change and all bring with them their personalities and charms, but there is nothing quite like the whispers that Autumn and Winter bring. The word “basic” has caused people to turn their backs on the seasons that bring community and warmth to a home. I respect all those who have their opinions on flavors and decorations, but who can truly resist the beauty that comes with this time of year? I hope you find or make something this weekend that wraps you around Autumn's finger. As always, don't forget to subscribe (I only email you once a week with the latest blog update), follow along on Instagram (@theallie.way), and feel free to follow me on Pinterest to see any exciting things I may find. Thanks for reading Allie-Cats!

  • Dru Allie

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Unknown member
Nov 26, 2022

So poetically written. 🍁I could feel the season. Thank you.

Nov 12, 2022

I love all the links you added! Can’t wait to try to pumpkin chai 💕

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