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The Hobby...

What is your go-to when you are bored or maybe need an outlet or just something that you do because it brings you a lot of joy? Most everyone has one; a way to either let our brains relax or perhaps a way to cause our brains to do the exact opposite and turn on and make us think. Some may describe it as an outlet and some may call it a hobby. You choose. I like to consider them both. I mean why wouldn’t a hobby be an outlet. It is a way for you to express yourself in a way that is unique to each individual. The dictionary explains that a hobby is, “an activity done regularly in one's leisure time for pleasure”, and an outlet is, “a means of expressing one's talents, energy, or emotions”. Explanations that should make you ready to start a project. In saying that there are many different types of hobbies some leaning more on the arts side (probably the most common), some that a few may classify as old-fashioned or maybe “unproductive”, and some that, as I mentioned in a few posts earlier (“When I Grow up…”), there are some that may even assist you into your dream carrier like art or sports. Let’s break them down.

The arts

Ah yes, the arts. My hobbies are typically included in this category. There is something about the arts that encourages someone to push themselves. It’s a form of expression. A way for one who may not be the best at verbally being able to express themselves to then be able to do so via writing, poetry, dancing, painting, etc. Writing can cause a busy brain to become calm and better able to link thoughts together. Poetry is another way of writing, but in a more rhythmic form causing the imagination to lead the parade. Dancing creates a world and story with your body, no words necessary. It’s letting go and letting the music move you. Creating shapes and poetry with your body. And probably one of the most common hobbies, being both a creative outlet and a hobby, art. Art.. a word that classifies so many forms of expression. I mean there is painting and the subcategories of that, drawing and again many forms that fall under that, sculpting, sewing, crocheting, and the list can go on and on. These are hobbies that can take patience and are a great way to clear your mind and leave you feeling excited and heard. And let’s not exclude the way that it can stretch your patience and leave you either feeling very confident or somewhat ready to find a new hobby. It changes day by day. But anyway, we all know what the arts are, moving on.

The others

A lot of the time when we hear the word “hobby” (or at least for me) we think of painting, drawing, knitting, and so on, however, there are so many beyond that. There is the large variety of sports which is probably the second most common hobby. Then there is the lovely, and probably the most old-fashioned one, the enticing idea of collecting. Now when I was younger I collected shells and rocks, who knows maybe I wanted to be an archaeologist? But… I’m pretty sure it was because they were pretty. There are so many things one could collect: stamps, movie memorabilia, plants, vintage things, etc. It all depends on your own unique forms of joy. Why collect? Well, on some occasions the items may be considered valuable or the common term “collectibles”, I mean, have you ever heard of beanie babies? And on the other, it can be entertaining or a great way to make money down the road. Beyond collecting, I feel like there are so many paths that you could consider hobbies, a hobby is whatever brings you joy, and who’s to say you only have one. I feel as if we should constantly be trying something new.

Diving in

Ok great, so now we know some of the different varieties of hobbies, what’s the point of having one? Now let me clarify hobbies are not a necessity, but they are a great way to find a passion or create an outlet that lets you focus your energy leaving you feeling more productive and stimulated. I paint and I love it. When I feel bored or like I need a break I can create something beautiful. There are numerous benefits in finding an outlet, bringing it back to my very first post. It can be a way to escape, to pour your emotions into something, and help you relax your mind. It can also be a way to make your mark on the world or by bringing joy to others around you. Baking, making jewelry, taking pictures doesn't matter what you enjoy, it's a great way to set you apart and show your unique abilities that God gave you. Besides, we all have our unique passions, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t room for you to expand what you know by pushing yourself to learn something new as I mentioned earlier. Find one, test it out, if it fits, run with it, if it doesn’t, find something else… find a few! There is so much life to enjoy after one is done with work or maybe school for the day, find something to fill the rest of your day with. Something that brings you joy, something to cause you to be excited to come home, to look forward to doing on the weekend, or maybe an enjoyable outlet that you and your friends could work on together. Hobbies can go far beyond being a physical task, it can run and cause your brain to start working and cause your endorphins to kick in. Working out, for example, is a great hobby. It’s both physically taxing and mind torturing. Or music; letting your fingers glide over keys creating magic out of thin air while you let your brain become surrounded by the aroma. Singing can allow you to play with the sound waves you hear in your daily life and manipulate them to become your own. Even those who play the accordion, can leave one with joy and excitement to join in.

It doesn’t need to be a solo act

As I am sure you have heard me mention above, an outlet or a hobby can be a great solemn solo mind clearing activity or a joyous time getting to have your brain sharpened. But, it can also be an excellent way for friends to find common ground, to come together and build off of one another and laugh at one another and learn from each other. Now I say all of this while sitting on my couch alone drinking homemade kombucha from a wine glass working on another one of my hobbies, but I’ve told you, it’s an either-or thing. It’s so freeing because there is no right or wrong way when it comes to hobbies. It can be a great way to meet people and it has the potential to keep someone at arm's length. But, no matter what others' reactions are, we all like what we like and enjoy doing what works for us. We have it so easy now with Pinterest where we are able to look up new and fascinating ideas. I have so many creative people around me and I love watching and learning what brings joy to them! We all have gifts, talents, and passions, it's just a matter of figuring out what works best with our lifestyle and finding the ones that are most enjoyable to us.

Wrapping up

All this to say go out and find a passion and if you don’t, find something that brings you joy, put together a puzzle, read books, build a birdhouse, become a master at chess, play golf, just try something. There are no rights or wrongs filed under the category of outlet or hobby. Bring a bit of spontaneity and creativity to your days. Let your unique abilities come full force to the surface and draw you into a new world. One of my favorite phrases is “you do you boo” and they are truly words to live by. So this is my encouragement to you to either push on with your hobbies, try something new, or just go ahead and start. You’ll find you feel a lot happier throughout your day.

Another week, another blog. I hope you felt inspired. I know I repeated a few main points, but it is so easy to become complacent in our daily routines that sometimes we need an extra push to go out and be creative. I go through phases of loving some of my hobbies and other times life seems a bit busy… so, this is my encouragement to pick up my paintbrush again. I hope you have a fantastic day/week. Feel free to leave a comment on the blog or The Allie-Way Instagram! I love hearing your feedback! Also, if you want to join the Allie-cat crew you can always subscribe! Thanks for reading,

- Dru Allie

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