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My Random 23...

Welcome to October. Now, we all know that September is the introduction to the fall season, the pilot if you will. However, October is the true first of the season. It is the one that captures the essence of fall. That drapes a blanket of warm colors over the earth and begins to breathe a chilly breath into our nights. It is the month that leaves us searching for comfort to enrapture us with that homey feeling. Others may bring out the word “basic”, but it is all in perspective. Because to me, everything that is encompassed in fall, whether basic or not, is something that I look forward to every year. Fall is my favorite season. I become giddy at the green light to wear sweaters, enjoy everything comprising pumpkin, have the crisp air take hold of my nose and fingertips, and yet again become but a small character among the main artistic masterpiece that is the foliage that encircles us. However, I will break my bubble by saying I am jealous watching as others are living my dreams of living out the true season of fall. Getting to go to pumpkin patches and have an actual reason to reintroduce their boots to society rather than me sweating in the humid 80-degree weather fighting to wear my sweats and sweating through the pain. Hawaii doesn't celebrate fall, although thankfully we have friends and family who like to show off that their states do. But, beyond all that fall encompasses, October is one of the best months to be born in. I, like my father, am lucky enough to celebrate with the change of the leaves. Mine is at the beginning of the month, a notable way to kick-start the season. This is why, for my birthday week, I will be exploring 23 random facts.

Enjoy Till The Very End

  1. Starting strong, I (as most who follow me on Instagram or know me personally know) have a cat named Gus. He and my love of cats is the reason I sign off by calling all of you Allie-Cats. He is an orange tabby with a sassy personality.

  2. Along those lines, I am not the biggest fan of dogs. I was attacked a few times as a kid and don’t particularly enjoy being licked and sniffed. So, I can normally be found snuggling up to cats. More accurately Gus, who is named after Burton Guster from Psych.

  3. Although I lean more on the artistic side of the spectrum, all the artistic and “that girl” knowledge of Instagram stresses me out. I can’t keep up.

  4. I am an external processor as well as an overthinker, so I need to talk everything out, which often has me having full conversations with myself. Typically, my sister gets the majority of my thoughts, but sometimes I get answers I like better when I answer myself first.

  5. It was my birthday on Tuesday and my sister made me the best chocolate peanut butter cake, which I finished today. I wait all year for that chocolate cake, but I think she needs to add more cakes to her everyday rotation of well-sought-after cookies. I like to bake, but I prefer to enjoy her baking over mine.

  6. I found a quote a few months ago and it completely changed my way of thinking. Maybe I’ll write a separate post about it, but the quote was “It’s only embarrassing if you’re embarrassed.” I couldn’t find who wrote it, but I thought it was such a good reminder.

  7. During fall or if I need a comfort show, my go-to’s are typically always, Friends, Hawaii 5o, or Gilmore Girls. Probably because I have seen them so much I don’t even need to pay attention at this point. Comfort movies, Pirates of the Caribbean and Tangled. But, favorite movie... Pride and prejudice!

  8. I don’t drink coffee everyday. Only for special occasions when I’m out. But at home, I typically don’t drink it because it causes my anxiety to spike. Although, I just got this matcha that is full of all these good-for-you mushrooms so, I guess I am now having that in the mornings.

  9. I’ve been wanting to make an apple crumble to add to the mix of pumpkin and think I may try this one. Apple crumble recipe.

  10. My cat, Gus, is at the moment sitting under me requesting attention, but little does he know that in a little while I have to give him his eye drops to help his eyes. And last night he kicked me so hard after I gave them to him that I thought for sure there would be a bruise. There wasn’t.

  11. I become anxious very easily and my favorite way of calming down or clearing my mind is to clean and organize. My life feels put together when everything is in its place and things are clean and cleaned out. I also think it allows my mind to feel like it is in control again.

  12. I have a Pinterest board titled FUN full of a bunch of pins that I find funny, pretty, or motivating and it is probably my favorite board.

  13. I am using all my discipline to finish these and not go curl up on my couch to read my book, but I will prevail!

  14. You know how some people have foods that they just can’t resist… I have known for a while now, but mine is tortilla chips. I can’t be trusted in their vicinity.

  15. Over the past few months, I started making my workouts longer and adding a more focused warm-up and a pretty thorough cool-down/stretch while also trying to increase my weights (with what I have at home). And although I struggle with motivation to start almost every day, I have noticed that I feel so much better. I feel stronger and excited to push myself. And I encourage you to find some form of movement that you like because there is just something about that after workout high.

  16. Although I love fall, I hate Halloween. But, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I never miss the parade. And, let’s be honest, the dog show after is pretty amusing to watch.

  17. I love squash season and found this recipe for butternut squash pasta and it is on my list to try. Although squashes are very expensive here on Kauai, so I have been buying the frozen packets from Target. Bank saver.

  18. My nephew is turning ONE!! In about two months and my brain can’t quite fathom that, other than the fact that he is almost as big as I am at 9mo.

  19. I asked for the big over-the-ear headphones for my birthday and I am very excited to start wearing them. I feel like they will help to put me into that “in the zone” mode, you know…

  20. I have been tired of being stubborn and hearing everyone talk about sports (other than baseball and hockey, those I already liked) so I have been determined to learn more about them so I can engage or at least follow the conversations. It is a slow process.

  21. In this new year of my life, I am determined to stop apologizing for who I am and different quirks that I might feel others don’t understand. It will take lots of internal pep talks, but I am excited to take on the challenge.

  22. I was going to try and pinpoint a specific memory from year 22, but I don’t think I could choose one specific thing. I think last year was one of the biggest years of growth in my life. A lot had to do with self-reflection -putting myself out in front of my blog and also being in counseling. But, I grew a lot which is cool to look back on.

  23. This coming year has a lot of scary and thrilling things planned, but I am eager to see what the Lord has up His sleeve. A lot of the things are me trusting Him to work many things out. I am anxious to see them play out, in both a very actual anxiety-inducing way and an exciting way.

Wrap It Up

If you made it through all of those, you are a real one! And in case you were wondering after 13 if I did in fact make it through… I did. I finished writing those in one sitting. It is so fun to express myself through different varieties of writing on my blog. Whether it is a story, a real and vulnerable post, a fun-themed post about the season, or even me laying out 23 random facts. I have enjoyed the growth and the community that has grown with me. I typically don’t like telling people my age because I feel like they use it against me. Either I am not old enough so they categorize me as inexperienced and will understand one day. Or I feel like an imposter thinking I am an adult when I still feel like I’m 17. Although, I was born when I was born and it is my job to own it and be excited for it. So thank you for making it through my birthday post. I am eager to continue living vicariously through all of you who are encompassed by the changing of the seasons. And can bundle up to watch the Master paint the world into a land that outshines the rich.

Again thanks for reading. I hope you all had a fantastic week and can relax and enjoy the weekend. I need to go give Gus his eye drops now so, like always, (and thank you to those who do) leave a comment letting me know your thoughts or a topic you would like to read about. Share my blog with a friend. Follow The Allie-Way on Instagram. And subscribe to get the new blogs straight in your inbox so you never miss one. Thanks for reading Allie-cats.

  • Dru Allie

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Oct 27, 2023

I love this so much. Learned fun things about you. You’re very creative. 😎

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