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Sharing Our Thoughts...

The deep world of the mind. A mysterious place, unique to each individual. It is interesting how people are nervous to share what is on their mind, to be vulnerable. Almost as if sharing our internal emotions with others draws out warning signs in our minds. Letting others see our vulnerabilities will somehow change the way others see us. And I can agree, there is a level of fear when exposing our weak points. Some people abuse others' openness and hold it against them creating walls in their minds. And although I am a very open person, there are still things that stay locked away in the safety of my head.


Sharing thoughts can be a hard thing for anyone to do. It can be even more challenging when we want everyone around us to think we have it all together. To show a perfect world where thoughts and feelings don’t weigh us down. No one wants the possibility to be seen from the inside out, with our emotions being our identity. But, the longer we hide and fake our emotions the more we will feel the weight, and the more the person seeing an implanted smile will feel as if they are the only one and therefore cause a rippling effect. Once we stop hiding the emotions, with the possibility of someone seeing them, they won’t be a flashing red sign above our heads. It will be another part of our walk in life that people will grow used to seeing.

Building Walls

Experiences have a lot to do with how we reveal our thoughts and life learned lessons. I know for me, I have a wall up with being extra vulnerable to people I know. Primarily in face-to-face conversations with anyone other than a certain group of people and my family. But, as we are all aware, I have no shame in writing it out where I can’t see the person reading it or hear the immediate responses that might follow. Different situations and past events have caused bricks to be added to the wall that I have been building since I was younger. I have, at times, let people in only to feel then stepped on. It’s how we respond and react to others that can determine if someone decides to let us in. No matter who we are, we all go through something. Some of the happiest people are hurting or going through some form of emotion behind their mind.

My Responsibility

Although I may seem at times like an open book to some and a “brush it off with humor'' to others, I feel like I have a responsibility and opportunity to help and inspire. God is allowing me to walk through many different trials that so many of us face. To me, who would I be if I kept it in and pretended everything was alright? Not that I can honestly help it, I tend to hold my emotions on my sleeve, but occasionally I try. Some may come across as annoyed or uncomfortable when people share their thoughts and feelings. I usually get the response of people tuning me out, which I have come to understand and respect. I am not for everyone and my open brain may confuse a large handful, but what if someone may hear me and relate? I know that when I hear people saying how they got through a situation or different techniques that they do, my ears perk up. Now again, to each their own. If someone else needs to mourn, deal, and try to figure things out privately, who am I to say they should just learn to be more open? No, that’s not at all what I am getting at. But, I would suggest or put it out there that what we share has an opportunity to cause people to not feel alone and help show them they can get through, they aren’t as bizarre as they thought they were, or maybe their family or friend situations is relatable and they can feel a weight lifted off their shoulders.


Although we might not have actual superpowers beyond our comic books, we can make our own by ignoring the norm and other people's criticism and allowing people to see some form of vulnerability. Open up and remind others that we are all humans who experience similar scenarios. Emotions and struggles seem to be a common chord that creates familiar ground between all of us. I’ll admit, forgetting and ignoring or shoving our thoughts deep can be a quick and easy fix while trying to forget them, however, it doesn’t change the fact that the emotions are still there. I am trying to use this superpower to hopefully allow people to read areas that are not often talked about. Some people might see vulnerability as being weak, but in my opinion, I see it as a strength.

Harder Than It Looks

As I am sure I have said before, going out and placing our thoughts and feelings out for all to see is not a normal response. But, there are different ways to be brave. We can talk with our friends, share something that’s been weighing on us on a private story, and maybe send a text to someone who we know is experiencing an occasion we are or have experienced. Don’t be afraid to let ourselves be vulnerable. I think a bit of vulnerability is such an amazing trait, even if it is opening up to family, a friend, or even a counselor. A simple conversation or writing it out isn’t the only opportunity to allow our walls to begin to come down. Poetry, dance, music, or any form of expression can hold vulnerability. Whether someone else can completely understand it or it is an expression only for ourselves, it can be used to help someone.

I have a journal that I write little things that are only for me, but the rest of my thoughts that I see being able to relate with others, I see no harm in sharing. Everyone is different, but there is such power with sharing. Although it goes against society and most people's nature, there is a reason we have so many self-help books, podcasts, articles, blogs, Instagram profiles, and movies, it’s because we are all trying our best to grow and not feel alone. When I started this blog it was not my intent to primarily be an “inspirational blog” although at times it feels like it. But, I love the opportunity to share things that are not commonly read and to help others because it would have helped me. Have an amazing weekend! Don’t forget to subscribe to be the first to know when new posts are up. Follow along on Instagram @theallie.way, I love being able to interact and hear from you. Also, it would mean a lot if you shared my blog with someone! Thanks for reading Allie-cats!

  • Dru Allie

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