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Shining Bright...

Chapter 1 

She sat at her desk slumped, chin balanced on the palm of her hand. Her other hand tapped a mindless rhythm while her thoughts curled back to her walking into the meeting over a week ago. She had checked her email constantly, but there was no word and her presentation was burning a hole through her hard drive. She felt the annoyance creep over her like a swarm of bugs crawling up her back. It wasn’t that she was bummed she didn’t need to present, but she had poured a lot of time and energy into that presentation and was excited about it. Her fingers tapped their last song before her legs pulled her out of her chair. Abruptly, she stood tired of feeling looked over. So she marched to her boss's office door.  The wood stood keeping her inches away from a speech she was not prepared to deliver. With a deep inhale her knuckle made contact and a knocking sound echoed through the air.

“Come in!” The muffled sound of her boss cut through the lingering sound of her question. The door hesitantly creaked open, slowly revealing her face that was trying to maintain a neutral expression.

“Hi, is this a good time?” She inched her body through the opening, but her hand remained gripping the door handle. 

“Please, come in and have a seat.” Her boss gestured to one one the velvet blue chairs that sat hopeful in front of the desk waiting for someone to give them a purpose other than to look pretty. So, with small steps she released the door and sat. She wasn’t afraid of her boss but was nervous about speaking up for herself. 

“I was wondering if the presentation that you wanted me to present had been rescheduled?” She felt her confidence rising. She had nothing to be nervous about. This was a fair question after all. 

Her boss’s expression remained the same. “No, it hasn’t, but we’ll make sure it happens soon. I’ll email you when I have a date.” There was a soft smile before her eyes shifted back toward the computer commanding the desk. Eyes bounced back up to her unmoving body. “Anything else?”

She shook her head feeling deflated and the confidence retreating as her legs once again started to stand. But, it fired up once more as she planted herself back down. “I worked hard to make sure this presentation was ready, and this is all information that is vital for my peers to hear and know. I understand that there may be other pressing matters, however, I would appreciate the courtesy to present my findings that I took the time on non-office hours to work on to benefit our company moving forward.” She sat with her head high.

“I understand. Very well, I will set a time in tomorrow's meeting for you to present.” She couldn’t explain it but as she nodded and stood, her boss’s face almost looked proud.

Chapter 2 

She walked over to her desk, but still felt the volt of electricity coursing through her. She felt respected instead of looked over. As she approached her desk, she decided to make a stop by her friend's desk. One friend was hunched at her desk typing away at her computer, coffee mug half full next to her. Her other friend's desk was across the way. Light poured over the desk in golden falls that warmed his surroundings. His calendar was open to yet another beach photo, and he sat tapping a pencil against his head. She leaned on the closest cubicle wall.

“Well, don’t you two look like you're having a good time?” She switched her gaze between the two. Since his desk was further away he had to turn his full body in his chair to look at them both on the other side. Her other friend looked up at her. 

“Having a blast.” He said stretching his arms above his head like a cat after a nap.

“Well, remember that presentation I was supposed to do a little while ago?” Her expression took on expecting qualities while her head dipped forward. They simply stared at her. So she prodded. “The one where we ended up talking about the poor writing habits in college?”

“Ah, yes..what about it? I thought the boss gave up on that?” It was said as a question but meant as a statement as her friend picked up her coffee to take a sip. 

“Well, it almost was, but I think this is important information, and like I said last time, I’m pretty proud of it; so I talked with her, and I get to speak about it in tomorrow's meeting.” her pleased smile couldn’t help but take the stage.

“If I were you, I’d have been happy to not have to share.” He leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees as he talked. “I forgot that you didn’t present.” He didn't mean to punch her as hard as his words did, but they did.

“This was something that was important to me, and neither one of you took the time to ask me about it or seem like you cared. I spent a lot of time and energy on this, and would have liked to have felt both of your support.” Once again she lifted her head high. “I am presenting tomorrow and I am excited.” With that, she turned. She allowed her desk chair to hug her tight while her lamp showed a proud beam across her desk. She felt herself glowing much brighter than she had the other week. 

Chapter 3 

She nailed the presentation and everyone seemed very impressed and eager by the information shared. Her brain was finally feeling like the pressure was being released, and she was understanding why some people spoke their minds. She found herself in the kitchen, and sat herself at the table with her water bottle and phone. A quick five-minute rest was rustling in the air around her. As everything settled into a hushed hum, her friend walked in right as she read yet another fact that was important to her. Her head rose and her lips parted, but before her words could dance off her tongue, her memories caught her. Then her body slumped in the chair a little deeper and a murmur of a frown pulled at her mouth. Her friend noticed the 20-second show that she had just performed. “What?” Her friend looked confused. 

“It’s not important.” She pushed through her feelings and found an authentic smile. 

“Don’t do that.” Her friend crossed her arms and leaned on the counter creating a defiant, “try me” posture. 

“I simply remembered that you didn’t find this information entertaining.” She felt herself slipping back into her shell. 

“I don’t find it interesting, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tell me.” Her friend's arms untangled and found her hips. That fired her up.

“I know you don’t find it as interesting as I do, but it can be hard to talk to someone who doesn’t show enthusiasm. It can feel like I am talking with myself or as if I am not important, and it can feel as if I am wasting your time and should reroute the conversation to be worthwhile for you. I want what entertains me to be as important to you, as what you find enjoyable is to me.” She smiled and released the tension built up in her shoulders while the words flowed. 

Her friend nodded. “You're right, I am sorry if I made it feel as if there is no room for your interests and caused you to feel anything less than what you are.” She walked over, bent down, and hugged her. “Now what were you going to tell me!” She pulled out the chair next to her. 

Chapter 4

We can often feel walked over or feel unimportant. But, this is our reminder that it’s not impolite or unprofessional to express what we are feeling. People don’t typically mean to step over or on us. It can sometimes feel easy to brush it under the rug, and allow our emotions to simmer in a pressure cooker. But, once we learn to be outspoken in a respectful way we can finally learn that we are deserving of the same support, focus, and interest as we show others. This is us taking control. But, we should remember to treat others the way that we want to be treated. 

This was part two, an encore if you will of the post, Little Light…! I hope this highlighted how we can step ourselves out from being snuffed. This is taking the direct approach. I hope this has been a great week and that you all have a fantastic weekend. Don’t forget to follow on Instagram, subscribe, leave a comment to let me know your thoughts, and share this with someone. 

  • Dru Allie

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Sep 14

What an encouraging resolve. Thank you!

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